Eniixma Digital Lab

A Passion for Great Products

We build great ideas into SaaS solutions that add value to your business.







Our Story

As a subsidiary of Enrii IT Solutions, Eniixma was formed after our team had gained years of experience in problem solving for our clients from various industries and sizes. Having developed software that our clients have found immediate value, this reassured our confidence in our ability while enabling us to develop great talent and a wide spread of technical expertise.


Our Story

As a subsidiary of Enrii IT Solutions, Eniixma was formed after our team had gained years of experience in problem solving for our clients from various industries and sizes. Having developed software that our clients have found immediate value, this reassured our confidence in our ability while enabling us to develop great talent and a wide spread of technical expertise.


How We Create Greatness

Ideation All great ideas stem from a good understanding of problems. Through wide networking with real companies, we listen to everyday problems to compile high quality ideas.

Brainstorm One problem can be solved by a wide range of solutions. The tricky part is to work out which solution brings the most value.

Research Upon shortlisting our solution, developers start their research to understand what needs to get done, and how to go about it

Testing However skillful our developers may be, we are only human. So our Quality Assurance testers ensure that what we build meets the acceptance criteria we set out to achieve.

Development After our ideation, solutioning, development approach, and designs have been fully validated, our developers are ready to get to work.

Design A product that truly solves problems cannot merely be functional. If you love how it feels, you will use it everyday.

How We Create Greatness

Ideation All great ideas stem from a good understanding of problems. Through wide networking with real companies, we listen to everyday problems to compile high quality ideas.

Brainstorm One problem can be solved by a wide range of solutions. The tricky part is to work out which solution brings the most value.

Design A product that truly solves problems cannot merely be functional. If you love how it feels, you will use it everyday.

Research Upon shortlisting our solution, developers start their research to understand what needs to get done, and how to go about it

Development After our ideation, solutioning, development approach, and designs have been fully validated, our developers are ready to get to work.

Testing However skillful our developers may be, we are only human. So our Quality Assurance testers ensure that what we build meets the acceptance criteria we set out to achieve.

How We Create Greatness

Ideation All great ideas stem from a good understanding of problems. Through wide networking with real companies, we listen to everyday problems to compile high quality ideas.

Brainstorm One problem can be solved by a wide range of solutions. The tricky part is to work out which solution brings the most value.

Research Upon shortlisting our solution, developers start their research to understand what needs to get done, and how to go about it

Design A product that truly solves problems cannot merely be functional. If you love how it feels, you will use it everyday.

Development After our ideation, solutioning, development approach, and designs have been fully validated, our developers are ready to get to work.

Testing However skillful our developers may be, we are only human. So our Quality Assurance testers ensure that what we build meets the acceptance criteria we set out to achieve.
Product 001


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Got A Question?

If you have any inquiries or you would like to reach out to us for a discussion, give us your email and we'll be in touch!